[Tokyo] Ginza Toyoda 銀座 とよだ - 2 Michelin Star Kaiseki Lunch

Rating: ❤❤❤1/2

We were looking for a last minute lunch spot with family and managed to get a booking at Ginza Toyoda 銀座 とよだ - a kaiseki restaurant that had been awarded with 2 Michelin stars. Chef Kennichi Okamoto trained in Kansai and the food is simple and unpretentious as with the decor at the restaurant. Instead of the counter, we sat in one of the private rooms which faced the streets in Ginza. For lunch, you can choose between ¥‎5000, ¥‎7000 and ¥‎10,000 courses and we chose the ¥‎10,000 one with 8 courses. I wasn't wholly impressed with the food here compared to other kaiseki that we've had in Japan but the attentive service and elegant atmosphere at Ginza Toyoda can make for a nice escape from the hectic Ginza. 

先附 / Appetizer
We were very impressed with the first course in both the beautiful presentation on a lily pad leaf and the combination of cooked octopus, pumpkin, tomato, konjak and okra covered in bonito stock jelly.

The octopus was especially soft and tender while full of flavors. 

お椀 / Soup
The Japanese clear soup with corn dumpling, saltwort and prawn was soothing to drink while I liked the baby soft texture of the corn dumpling. 

お造り / Sashimi
The sashimi of the day were aori ika, suzuki and murasaki uni from Hokkaido.

焼き物 / Grilled Dish
The grilled butterfish was executed beautifully with perfectly flaky textures.

強肴 / Seasonable Dish
I didn't really like this cooked pike eel roe with salted greens though as the texture of the roe was very grainy.

煮合 / Cooked Dish
The cooked summer vegetables were refreshing to eat as a cold dish.

ご飯 / Rice
The rice of the day was a clams rice and the leftover was made into a onigiri for us to take home.

水物 / Dessert
Lastly, we had a traditional Japanese dessert warabimochi to round off our meal. 

Ginza Toyoda 銀座 とよだ
7-5-4 Ginza Chuo Tokyo 
東京都 中央区 銀座 7-5-4 ラヴィアーレ銀座ビル 2F
Tel: +81-3-5568-5822

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