Petite Amanda | Hong Kong

Rating: ❤❤❤

I was passing by Petite Amanda's counter at Sogo in Causeway Bay when their gorgeous cakes caught my eye and I decided to just get one to try since I was trying to cut down on desserts as I have to be in a wedding party soon. To my delight, I was given this really cute pyramid cake box for my patisserie! Love it!

The cake box opened up easily with plenty of space to safely remove the patisserie from the box without having to rip it apart. 

Amarina ($43) - with sour cherry jelly, light pistachio mousse, pistachio financier, mini macaron. Unfortunately, as gorgeous as this cake looked, the taste was only so so as the pistachio flavor was undetectable in the mousse and overwhelmed by the sourness of the cherry jelly. The cherry jelly wasn't bad but I don't think the combination with the delicate flavors of pistachio really worked here. The pistachio financier base also felt stale as it was neither soft nor crunchy. The only delight was the mini macaron which managed to have the same proper texture of a regular sized one. [3/5]

Verdict - verdict is still out as I will need to try more of their patisseries to see if their other flavors are better. Next time!

Petite Amanda
IFC, Central
Sogo, Causeway Bau

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